Thursday, December 2, 2010

List of Armenian Churches Worldwide

There are more than 2000 Armenian Churches around the world. Today Armenian Churches are spread throughout every continent of the world. Scattered about from centuries of attempting to escape persecution and most recently the Genocide of 1915 - 1923, Armenians have established communities and built churches wherever their fate delivered them. It also helped Armenians to introduce their culture to different countries and became beloved. You can find an Armenian Church everywhere in the world.

You can see the List of Armenian Churches around the world below (we are updating the list daily, so if you know any Armenian Church that isn’t included in our list and/or want to find information about definite Armenian Church, please leave a comment below or write to

List of Armenian Churches Worldwide
CountryCity/VillageName of the ChurchLocation/contacts of the Church
AbkhaziaGagraGagra, Abkhazia
ArgentinaBuenos AiresArmenian Catholic EparchyBuenos Aires, Argentina
ArgentinaBuenos AiresArmenian Catholic Eparchy and Cathedral of Nuestra Sra. de Narek of Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, Argentina

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